Final thoughts or first days

This was my final email to colleagues at the boarding school where I worked for seven years.

Hey Tech Guy, I see there’s some cake in the Main kitchen. It looks pretty good. Can I have some?  Yes, please do. It’s good.

So, you’re leaving. Yes. Today is my last day.

Any last thoughts? Only that it’s been a true honor working at (xxxxxxx) the last seven years and 1 month, and that I wish everyone personally, and the school specifically, the best in all future endeavors.

A number of years ago I was on the Victory Chimes, which is the 3 mast ram schooner pictured on the back of the Maine quarter. One night during a conversation with the first mate, I asked how it was working a ship with such a distinguished history.

To paraphrase his answer: “The neat thing about working on this ship, is that these old woods absorb energy. Metal reflects it, but wood absorbs. So in a way, there’s a tiny piece of every person that ever sailed on it. And that’s the real history that makes me so proud to be a part of the crew. It’s about the people who came before, and what I learned from them and what I can learn and share with those who will walk these decks in the future. Sometimes late at night, when it’s still on the water and the wind lies down, you can almost feel that energy.”

Which is a lot like (xxxxxxx). (xxxxxxx) is almost over for me now, but what I will remember are the people who care so much about the school and what it’s about, and no matter how hard it gets, keep pushing through. Because they want to. Because to them it’s the right thing to do. Because they have a chance to make things better. Whatever the reason, the people who work here have done just that. Everyone here, in one way or another, has made some part of the school better.

Maybe sometime on campus, you might see what I see in (xxxxxxx): the very best in the people who came before, the best in the people who are here now, and the faith that those who follow who will bring their best, too.

And the wind lies down . . .

– Tech Guy

Two days after hitting the send button, I started work at Princeton University.

2 thoughts on “Final thoughts or first days

  • October 18, 2014 at 8:55 pm

    and then?

    I hope all is well.

  • October 18, 2014 at 9:28 pm

    Thanks, George. It’s been a long journey.

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