Monster Mashup

The Swiss appreciate the offbeat side of life. For instance, they tolerated my two dollar ties – ah, those zany NYC street vendors – Sears and Roebuck crew cuts, and refusal to learn French. God bless Switzerland.

And in terms of cuisine they have even more interesting tastes, especially in condiments. The McDonald’s in Geneva charges for ketchup, but one condiment is free to all takers: mayonnaise. At the foothills of the Alps, mayo works overtime. Like French Fries and mayonnaise. Mayonnaise and mustard makes a tangy sauce. And for breakfast: cold cuts, eggs, champagne and tub of mayonnaise on the side. The urge to dip could strike at any time.

So in the spirit of the Swiss, I thought why not mash up some movie reviews?

The Break Up meets The Omen.

Omen Up. 2006 and Jennifer Aniston wants her half of the condominium back. She’s tired of your video games, dogs with sharp teeth, and disregard for her feelings. Well too bad for her, you are the son of the Devil. Grab hold of that landing, Ms. Aniston!

Verdict: Breakup, Omen — DVD rental.

X-Men meets Mission Impossible 3.

X-Impossible. Part of an elite team of mutants, Tom Cruise races against time to save a girl we never believe he loves. Unfortunately, Ms. Right is insane and whenever she kisses him, buildings explode and he becomes more heterosexual. And we all believe that. To keep us awake, every thirty-two minutes a major character dies.

Verdict: X-Men DVD Purchase. Mission Impossible 3: Cable. Better with malt liquor and Primus.

2 thoughts on “Monster Mashup

  • June 16, 2006 at 10:11 am

    I have been informed (by actual Europeans, no less) that mayo with french fries is very popular in Europe. Personally, I don’t get the appeal, but whatever.

    Also, excellent job with the movie mash up. Tom Cruise is totally believable as a mutant. But as a hetero? Not so much.

  • June 16, 2006 at 5:37 pm

    Thanks very kindly, Pollster. Are you around next week? I have a question for you.

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