Focker Off

The attendants informed the entire theater that the 8pm show for Meet the Fockers was sold out and I was one person away from the last available ticket. At that point there were several options available.

1) Throw a hissy fit, rage out in storm of curses like the fifty people nearby.
2) Buy tickets for the 11pm show, sit on the couches eating fatty concessions for 3 hours.
3) Admit to the Wife that we left the house too late and go home. Not an option.

The choice was clearly number 4: buy tickets for the 11pm showing and present them for the 8pm screening. Little secret for you super serious movie theater managers: staff doesn’t check the tickets unless you are watching them. Perhaps they are underpaid? Overworked? Maybe they just don’t care?

Anyway the oversight was our gain. We found a decent seat at the 8pm show and laughed our a**** off. Funny, funny flick. Hopefully, the small child I knocked over is OK now.

NOTE: No one was hurt in the writing of this blog, or at the movie theater. I am joking.