PC strikes again

Whilst typing away this morning a fuse in the power box blew. The real fun started once the new fuse was in place.

The Wife: There’s something wrong with the PC.
sam: It runs perfectly.
The Wife: It won’t turn on.
sam( presses power button – nothing happens )
sam: I’ll call tech guy.
Tech guy: What did you break now?
sam: The PC won’t start.
Tech guy: Is it plugged in?
sam: Yes! Seriously it won’t fire up.
Tech guy: You’ve been googling again haven’t you?
sam: This is serious! Press button – we got no power.
Tech guy: I’ll check it out. Don’t touch anything.
Tech guy checked all the connections, but it still won’t start. Popping open the case tech guy made a discovery. He held up a massive wad of gray cat fur for me to see. It could be from only one critter in the house, the long hair cat, Electra ( Buddhapuss’s apprentice )
sam (to The Wife): Honey look at what your cat did! She broke the PC.

Tech guy vacuumed out all the fur and all was good. Now the PC runs like a top.