I need a nap

I’m ready for a my weekly nap, which I missed yesterday since we went on a hike of doom. The purpose of the hike of doom is to get fresh air and exercise, and make it back to the car before the sun sets. Doom enters the picture when reality confronts the body with the following edict : this 4.5 hour hike must be done in 3.5 hours, because that’s all the light that’s available.

Now the wife is off at an orchard picking some kind of weird and possibly satanic fruit with a friend from high school. Meanwhile in a move to combat today’s less temperate weather, Oedipus has burrowed underneath the comforter. I’m not sure where the wife’s cat is, but it’s probably wedged itself in a shoe rack in the closet.

So that’s a clear sign I need a nap.

In more exciting news work continues on Velocity. I beat the first 50 pages ( out of 220 ) into submission. It was a rough task, but I wanted to make sure the first 50 pages rock. We’re getting there…