A bit late in coming, but . . .

January nearly half-over and still no resolutions! Perhaps that constitutes slacking. Ah well. No time like now for starting over, I guess.

Usually my resolutions accompany a year in review, but this late in January it seems redundant, and writing a really thorough one will  take away from actually completing yet another entry, so what follows is the condensed version of 2009:

1) After many attempts found a home for The Last Track. In February ( next month! ) it will be available for purchase. On my birthday, so better yet.

2) Learned a lot about the review process from the marketing person and my own solicitations for blurbs.

3) My boss proved several times how cool he is. Can’t go into details, but suffice to say there are in fact decent managers in business and they really make a difference in job satisfaction.

5) And finally, probably the coolest thing that happened was the review that came back from a Purple Heart stationed in Kirkuk, Iraq. Of all the blurbs received so far, theirs is one of the most meaningful and will appear–and as long as I have anything to say about it–remain on the back cover.

So that’s what happened in 2009. Onto 2010 . . .

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