
This weekend promises lots more free time than last, which is a good thing. Though I already miss last weekend’s festivities. Reflecting on a good wedding always makes me smile.

Autumn started this week. Maybe Wednesday morning, I think. Fall is my favorite season; it means cross country. Not coincidentally, it’s also the time of year I enjoy running the most. As much fun as cross country is, I want to try fell racing.

Fell racing is a British sport–as I understand it, anyway–where competitors run down slopes fast as they can manage. Their task: remain vertical and reach the line in one piece. Basically, the more a racer fights gravity, the harder and more dangerous the descent, the more likely an injury. So the trick appears deceptively simple. Racers stay in control by ceding control. And the only way to do that is to stay in motion and let their steps fall where they may. Which is rather like rock climbing or writing. Fight the wall or the page, and it hurts. But try your best, keep moving and somehow the next hold, the next sentence, appears.

6 thoughts on “Breathe

  • September 22, 2006 at 5:33 pm

    Fall is my favorite season, too. Mostly ’cause it’s so perty. I do most of my best photography in the fall.

  • September 22, 2006 at 9:32 pm

    You’ll have some extra good pictures to share soon, Mr. Kat. ;)

  • September 22, 2006 at 11:21 pm

    No doubt. And, man, you are more right than you know about Mr. Kat. I’m not whipped by any means, but she’s got me…

  • October 4, 2006 at 5:58 am

    I’m afraid to be the bearer of bad news, but fell racing involves ascent as well as descent.

    I’ve never tried it but I understand that keeping upright is easier on the way up, but keeping going is a real challenge.

  • October 4, 2006 at 5:00 pm

    Sure, wreck my idyllic vision. ;)

    Your description is very telling. Easier staying upright on the way up, but keeping going is the challenge. Sounds exactly like writing.

    Finding an American club crazy…I mean adventurous enough to sponsor a race is the problem right now. The closest it seems we come is orienteering.

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