
After commencement this morning the entire student body flees the campus. Tonight is the faculty party, complete with lobster and beer. Deep breath…

What began as an irritant turned into a positive. Buying a new computer when the present one refuses to post. Not boot mind you, but post; the motherboard can’t see hardware connected to it. In English: nothing happens after pressing the power button.

With the help of a friend, I’ve nursed big parts of the machine along for some time, replacing busted components as needed. In fact, a substantial portion of the guts are almost six. Wow. That’s like ninety-seven in computer years. Not a complete loss, either. The monitor still runs like a champ, and one of the hard drives works and is possibly salvageable.

I feel like the past week has been a nonstop challenge. Instead of dwelling on the badness, here’s a list of good things that happened:

1) Found out I had more in common than thought with a friend to the north.
2) Tied up all the loose ends at work before heading off to training — no small order.
3) Discovered a new seafood delight. Peel shrimp, whole wheat pasta, olive oil and jack chese. Simple and mmm, tasty.
4) Recovered most of a file lost to my user error, working only from memory. Being that file was the novel outline I spent 18 hours working on, it was a victory in my book.
5) Spent some time with the Wife.

Hopefully this outlook serves as proper tribute to the forces of karmic balance.

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