
The executive producer of my favorite TV show spoke on campus last night, as part of the curriculum. Besides screening dailies, he left the actual shooting script for a yet to air episode – and two earlier drafts. I’m studying the shooting script closely.

What he said about the movie and television was interesting. In movies, writers are a notch above the janitor; directors wield the control. No surprise there, based on the movies Hollywood belches out each season. Television writers on the other hand, have a huge influence on the show, and not just the story. They can be executive producers and guide the entire operation. In his case, he is also the show’s creative consultant ( plus creator ). During the season, he works until 2AM fine-tuning scripts a team of writers draft. From raw idea, to shooting script can take the team of 5 writers upwards of a month.

He was very gracious and answered tons of questions. And because the Wife and I arrived early, we both had a chance to thank him for the show and shake his hand.

I’m sending him an email later today thanking him for his time.

These are the days I love my job.

UPDATED on Saturday: Then again, there’s always the chance of a gremlin.

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