Meet the new boss

A new year, a new food dilemma. Diet, meal plan, food plan, whatever the en vogue title is, for four out of five Americans, most diets are a memory by March. Amen to that.

Still, it’s handy to blame someone else for failure. The news is an excellent scapegoat. Theres so many choices and options and the media further complicates the matter by spouting conflicting messages. Last year everyone and their grandfather went on Atkins. Few follow Atkins now except my grandfather, who did before the diet existed. See, refined carbs derail his blood sugar levels.

Widespread abandonment of low carb diets aren’t helping the sugar peddlers just yet. Krispy Kreme stock is in the gutter, and keeps sliding. Weight Watchers reports modest gains in attendance. Maybe that’s the new wave, twice revisited. The verdict is still out on the Zone, but it sounds like much of what doesn’t work long term in either Atkins or Weight Watchers.

But the point of all this is, what eating plan is right for me? And why the hell does this come up every January? Not like I’m bikini club bound any time soon.

You know, I was a lot happier before this diet research. Perhaps, it’s time to reincarnate the 2004 plan. It’s deceptively simple: simply visualize a diet thats allows for whatever is desired and then do that.

Oh yes, next year, next year I will have an eating plan.